About PWT – Personal Wellness Tracking

A Well-rounded Body Is One That Is Watched, Monitored, Rested, and Tested

We have a simple philosophy at Personal Wellness Tracking, that what’s measured is what matters.

While we write in the second person (“we”), for the most part this site is written and maintained by a single individual, Chris (me or I). Chris is a long time runner, occasional triathlete, father, kids sports coach, husband, and by profession has two decades of experience primarily as a product manager with major tech companies.

This site shares first hand experience with everything from common calorie counting apps, at-home blood tests, physical performance med centers, using an Apple Watch, tracking with Strava, and more. We focus on metrics that can be controlled through daily habits, lifestyle changes, or in other ways.

Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance of staying active and engaged in order to take advantage of all sorts of amazing life experiences. This also bleeds over into gear, apps, devices, and experiences that an active person may encounter.

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We run ads on this site, and some articles contain affiliate links where we make a small commission for purchases.

If you are interested in any of our articles, and have something to add, or want to write for us feel free to reach out. We entertain product reviews, guest posts, and sponsored posts for products that we would otherwise already support (but may not yet be aware of).

In all cases we will be sure to disclose the sponsorship transparently to our readers, in line with regulations. You can also review our Privacy Policy here.

Contact Us

If you have feedback on the site, want to reach out about advertising on our site, write for us, or get in touch you can!

Send an email to PersonalWellnessTracking@gmail.com.

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